Italy 24 Press News

“The city is all mine”, so many events in Ancona. But in August the schedule is empty

ANCONA “The city is all mine”. Yes, but not in August. The rich summer program presented yesterday by the Municipality and already in full swing offers little or nothing for the month of August, when the capital generally empties out. «We must realize that compared to other cities that have a direct relationship with the sea, this is still missing here – the acknowledgement of Daniele Berardinelli, councilor for tourism -. There is not yet a mentality to develop a tourism entrepreneurship, so it would have been useless to invest resources for a traditionally low audience like it is in August».

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“The calls for interest for that month were issued, but no association came forward,” commented Anna Maria Bertini, councilor for culture. Which recalls some events in August at the Mole, such as Acusmatiq (from 2 to 4), Anconafotofestival (from 22 to 25), Adriatico Mediterraneo (from 26 to 30), the Festival della Storia (from 29 to 1 September) and Sensi d’Estate (7 and 14), but in short, the bulk of the initiatives will be held in July. And this year the Notte Bianca will probably not take place («We will have to concentrate all our efforts on the G7 in October», says Angelo Eliantonio, councilor for major events), while the Festa del Mare, to be organized, will fall on 1 September. “Tutta mia la città” is the slogan that sums up «the desire to involve and enliven the capital with high-level shows and precise choices, such as that of giving up niche events such as Kum – says Berardinelli – and favoring the Ulisse Fest» at the arena in the old port, with Vasco Brondi (4 July), Malika Ayane and Skin (on the 6th).

“We have given back to the people of Ancona the places of their heart, full of content”, Eliantonio recalls, such as the Passetto lakes, with two dance floors and, from 9 to 13 July, the national 3-on-3 basketball tournament with the Silverback Asd (330 athletes expected) or the Roman Amphitheatre with Ankoneide (Popsophia), Teatri Antichi Uniti, Ancona Jazz and Adriatico Mediterraneo. “It was challenging to systematize everything, but the result is satisfactory – comments Bertini -. The offer is complete and reaches multiple targets and generations”. Marco Battino, councilor for the night economy, recalls the initiatives for university students in Piazza del Papa, where there is no shortage of complaints about the noise, “but the people of Ancona must adapt and show flexibility”, Bertini scolds. Initiatives also in Piazza Cavour (the Artisan Gelato Festival from 19 to 21 July) and in Piazza San Francesco (with the small concerts of Zonamusica), in addition to the sporting events curated by the councilor Giovanni Zinni (tomorrow there is Ball Run, proud of basketball at Passetto). And in Varano the Festival dei Dialetti will return from 1 to 4 August.


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