Italy 24 Press News

“Very satisfied with the vote. Turano remains in the Schifani council”

Undersecretary of Labor, Commissioner of Lega in Sicily (from April) and in Campania (from February), Claudio Durigon he is the party’s strongman, very close to Matteo Salvini who, not by chance, entrusted him with the very delicate task of leading the party in the two large southern regions in view of the European elections. We ask Durigon, appointed regional commissioner of the League in Sicily in April, to do an analysis of the outcome of the vote in the South and in particular in Sicily if this is what was expected from the polls.

To say I’m satisfied with the result is an understatement – he explains – We are a present and present force up by two pointsi compared to the latest 2022 policies. And let me say, without external help by the so-called civics. The result in Sicily shows that we are working well, thanks to the work and commitment of a strong and cohesive ruling class”


The results of the European elections say that the League is holding up thanks also to the votes of the South. At this point, what will Salvini do? Will he confirm the path of the national party or we go back to old model of a territorial party as authoritative representatives of the north ask for?
“The League is a national party and it will remain so forever. Indeed, the distorted account of reality by some of our allies often does not benefit the coalition. And we pay for it in terms of consent. As for the party, it has emerged strengthened by this latest electoral round and this is also thanks to the Sicilian leadership. After that, once the European elections were over, we need to stop telling lies and start again stronger to win the next challenges”


Infrastructure Minister Salvini is investing a significant amount of resources in Sicily compared to the past, but investments take a backseat to the controversies, divisions and ongoing debate ondifferentiated autonomy. It risks becoming a boomerang?

This is what a certain left tells us, which several years ago inserted into the Constitution the principle on which differentiated autonomy is based. It is right to tell it to the voters who, as far as I am concerned, have understood that autonomy can only bring benefits, more efficient services, equity. On the other hand, with 7.5% in Sicily and 9.2% in Calabria we can say that citizens have recognized the work that the League and Minister Salvini are carrying out in the South, starting with investments in the territory”


How much the debate had an impact on the bridge over the Strait during the election campaign? The Stretto di Messina company denied the minister about the opening of the construction sites within the year. What happens, will the work really start?

We are talking about speculations of the usual detractors, no one has ever denied the opening of the construction sites which will be as scheduled by 2024 and whether it is July or December changes nothing for the most important engineering work of the century. If there is a man whose tenacity and determination we recognize, it is Matteo Salvini and we are sure that he will complete this great strategic work for the whole of Southern Italy. The bridge will be an infrastructure of fundamental importance not only for Calabria and Sicily but for all of Italy. It is a source of pride for me to know that thanks to our party this work can finally be realized, after so many years of chatter”


Elections always leave a trail even among allies and this time too the issue is that of reshuffle. What is the relationship with President Schifani? Is a letter ready? relay with Turano?

“The work of a politician is measured only by one thing: consensus. Turano ran a fantastic election campaign as evidence of a great job. The parties choose their assessors and no one else can enter into the party’s choices. We have always been loyal to our allies and will continue to be so, but at the home of the League he chooses the League. And the result of the European elections, I repeat, recognizes our great commitment carried out in the sole interest of the citizens”


Will he remain at the helm of the party in Sicily?

The party has demonstrated that it has a great leadership that will be able to self-determine with a conference in the coming months. I have taken up the baton of Annalisa Tardino who did a great job in Sicily. Now the objective is to strengthen this ruling class more and more, to be ever stronger and more decisive in the next commitments, from national challenges to municipal ones where the League has achieved great roots in the Sicilian territory, proving to be a great reality. In the region we want to continue the path undertaken so far, with the same sense of responsibility that has guided us in our daily work and which has helped us to better manage majority frictions”

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