Italy 24 Press News

Livorno, theft in an apartment in via Calzabigi

He recognized his backpack on the shoulders of a man on a bicycle and only then did he realize what could have happened a short while ago while, yesterday afternoon, Friday 28 June, he was in the courtyard of his house doing some odd jobs. After trying in vain to stop the cyclist, he then returned to his home, unfortunately finding confirmation of his suspicions. Namely, those of a recent theft, with the apartment ransacked and money and jewelry, for a value yet to be quantified, taken away. The victim, a man from Livorno living in via Salvini, therefore had no choice but to call 112 and formalize the complaint to the police officers who intervened on the scene.

Another complaint, again yesterday, was presented for a theft in an apartment in via Calzabigi. In this case, the thieves entered a home by forcing the front door and, once inside, they rummaged through the rooms of the house, stealing 5 watches with a value currently yet to be quantified. The owners themselves made the discovery as soon as they returned: after notifying the operations center of the single emergency number, the police officers then intervened on site and formalized the complaint.

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