Italy 24 Press News

Committee formed to save the Cup – Teramo

TERAMO. The institutional committee for the organization of the Interamnia Cup has been established which sees the Municipality of Teramo at the forefront for the management of the handball event now in its 51st edition. Edition scheduled from 8 to 14 July which, due to significant economic problems, risked being cancelled. The municipal administration, in agreement with the historic patron Pierluigi Montautihas decided to save what can be saved and take control of the situation. In the last few days, meetings and gatherings have followed one another, an operational staff has been set up and it has been decided to establish a Coppa committee headed by the mayor Gianguido D’Alberto supported by the councillors Alexandra Ferri e Anthony Filipponi and by a network made up of experts and volunteers. Last Wednesday, with a council resolution, the green light was given to this structure which now aims to do its utmost to bring home an edition of the Cup which, albeit on a lesser scale, can guarantee the continuity of what is one of the entered the history of the city.
These are days of great work on the practical and bureaucratic front. The first problems the committee is dealing with concern hotel accommodation for referees and authorities: at the moment it is difficult to find thirty free rooms in the city that are suitable for their needs. As for the athletes, around 800 of those expected will stay in the schools and in the next few hours an order will be signed to requisition those already identified. Working groups have been established, each dedicated to a specific segment of the organizational machine: from the preparation of the inaugural parade to the management of reception, security and camps. There are currently around 80 volunteers at work and among the operational figures there is the former councillor Guido Campana. The committee will have to draw up an economic plan and will be able to rely on regional funds, for about 40 thousand euros; ministerial funds, for about 30% of total expenses; municipal funds, for 50/60 thousand euros, and on resources resulting from registrations and institutional partners.(v.m.)

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