Lombardy, the 2024 Shelter Call for Five Million Euros | Gazzetta delle Valli

Lombardy, the 2024 Shelter Call for Five Million Euros | Gazzetta delle Valli
Lombardy, the 2024 Shelter Call for Five Million Euros | Gazzetta delle Valli
“A new measure in favor of mountain areas – continues Sertori – which is part of the structural strategy of strengthening and enhancing the Lombard mountains that we have been carrying forward with conviction in recent years”.

The call finances the following types of intervention:
– renovation, expansion and extraordinary maintenance of shelters;
– construction and extraordinary maintenance of systems that are complementary or necessary for the functioning or regulatory compliance of the property;
– construction and extraordinary maintenance of structures and works that are complementary or necessary for the functioning or regulatory compliance of the property;
– expansion and extraordinary maintenance of fixed water collection tanks for forest fire prevention (AIB), as well as related supply systems and accessory works;
– implementation of interventions to improve the energy performance of the building also through integration with renewable energy systems;
– construction of works for the disposal of waste and effluents;
– construction of works and systems functional to the water supply and the recovery of rainwater;
– purchase and installation of telecommunications equipment in shelters.

The following intervened on the matter: Silvana Snider regional councilor of the League and member of the Commission “Valorization and protection of mountain and border territories; Relations between Lombardy and the Swiss Confederation”. “The objectives of this initiative are to finance interventions for the construction, expansion and extraordinary maintenance of mountain and hiking refuges with particular attention to technological innovation, redevelopment, safety and energy efficiency. Good, therefore, the allocation of 5 million euros destined for managers and owners of refuges present in our Lombard mountains. Once again the Region is putting precious resources into play to support the development, the economy of the mountains and the refuge system”.

The words of Floriano Massardiregional councilor of the League and president of the “Agriculture, mountains and forests” Commission at the Pirellone: ​​“The objectives of this initiative are to finance interventions for the construction, expansion and extraordinary maintenance of mountain and hiking refuges with particular attention to technological innovation, redevelopment, safety and energy efficiency. Good, therefore, the allocation of 5 million euros destined for managers and owners of refuges present in our Lombard mountains. Once again the Region is putting precious resources into play to support the development, the economy of the mountains and the refuge system”.

“Excellent news both for environmental and tourist aspects, and for what concerns the agricultural sector and more generally the production sector”. This is how Massimo Sertori, regional councillor for Local Authorities and the Mountains, with responsibility for Water Resource Use, comments on the data from Lombardy collected by the Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) campaign on the main glacial systems, conducted by the Nivometeorological Centre of Arpa Lombardia according to which the cumulative snow values ​​on the Lombardy glacial basins are between 40 and 20 metres, equivalent to 4201 and 1975 kg/m of water reserve in the snowpack.

“In Lombardy, after periods of great drought, which forced us to face significant critical issues – adds Councilor Sertori – this year we can talk about a situation characterized by average snowfall during the winter and significantly higher snowfall in the spring months on all the Lombard mountains”.

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