Italy 24 Press News

70 new Penitentiary Police officers arriving in Saluzzo and Cuneo

With the conclusion of the 183rd Penitentiary Police Student Course, 1,704 new officers finally enter service in Italian penitentiary institutions.

New officers of the Penitentiary Police

In particular, 55 new officers will be assigned to the Cuneo Prison and 15 to the Saluzzo Prison.

“The 70 new agents will contribute to improving the working conditions of those who live in prison, an injection of new forces that will give relief to the institutions that are suffering the consequences of years and years of abandonment by previous governments” declares the Undersecretary of Justice Andrea Delmastro.

“Today’s new assignments demonstrate all the attention of the Meloni Government for our territory. I thank Undersecretary Delmastro for what he is doing for the Penitentiary Police, I will continue to work alongside him for the good of our territory” declares the deputy from Fratelli d’Italia Monica Ciaburro.

The Radicals: “This doesn’t solve the problems”

“Penitentiary institutions are a powder keg, a place of discomfort and marginalization. The Cuneo prison, like most of our institutions, is out of control: alarming psychological distress, continuous attacks on healthcare personnel, complaints from prisoners about the enormous difficulty in accessing services, a continuous violation of the rehabilitative purpose of the sentence, absence of alternative measures”.

Thus began the reflection of the Italian Radicals Philip Blengino e Alice Depetrowhich continue:

“In this perverse inaction come the hopeful declarations of the Honorable Ciaburro, who thinks of solving the prison problem with the assignment of 55 penitentiary police officers to Cuneo and 15 to Saluzzo. Indeed, he declares that “the new assignments demonstrate the attention of the Meloni Government for our territory”.

“The situation in Italian prisons is alarming – continues the Radicals’ statement – evident to everyone except the Government. Suicides, mistreatment, overcrowding, total absence of planning, lack of administrative and medical personnel: early release, amnesty and pardon, decriminalization of some crimes, elimination of prison for prisoners awaiting trial who are not truly socially dangerous, increase in alternative punishments to prison, abolition of juvenile penal institutions, ban on children staying in institutions with attenuated custody, strengthening of child care services psychiatrists and psychologists. These are the measures to be implemented, everything else is useless panegyrics that only serve as sterile statements to the press. In the meantime, prisoners continue to commit suicide.”

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