Italy 24 Press News

head injuries were fatal

Shimpei Tominaga, the 56-year-old Japanese entrepreneur who died following an attack suffered during the night between Friday and Saturday in via Pelliccerie, died from serious head and brain injuries. The man had been hit in the face by a violent punch thrown by the 20-year-old SB from Treviso at the end of an argument. Tominaga would have fallen to the ground, hitting his head on a pavement. The strong blow would have caused internal bleeding and the 56-year-old’s heart would have been the victim of a sudden arrest. This is what emerges from the autopsy examination on the Japanese man’s body, carried out this morning by Carlo Moreschi. The post-mortem lasted about two hours. The situation of the boy whose punch would have a cause-effect relationship with Tominanga’s death is therefore complicated.

According to the investigations, the entrepreneur, active in the furniture import-export sector and also famous as the son of the television producer who was the first to bring Japanese cartoons to Italy, would have been in the company of a friend when, around 3 in the morning, he noticed a boy asking for help inside the ethnic restaurant “Buonissimo Kebab”. Tominanga then intervened by addressing the boys who were chasing him, including the 20-year-old, asking them to moderate their tone and stop their aggressive attitude. In response he was hit by a punch in the face which made him fall to the ground.

SB, together with the 22-year-old AD, resident in Conegliano and DW, another 20-year-old also from Conegliano, after the attack allegedly took refuge inside a nearby bed and breakfast. “But it’s not true that we ran away after what happened – the 20-year-old allegedly reiterated yesterday to his defense attorney, Tino Maccarrone – when we realized that the entrepreneur was losing a lot of blood we went out to check on his condition. The ambulance and the police arrived shortly after”.

SB and the other two boys had been arrested and initially investigated for grievous bodily harm. Tominanga’s death has completely changed the context: they are now accused of complicity in manslaughter.

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