Italy 24 Press News

In Florence, extraordinary openings in museums for the Tour de France 2024

It will start for the first time from Italy Tour de France which, having reached its 111th edition, will start from Florence Saturday 29th June. Passing through extraordinary landscapes and crossing routes surrounded by history and art, the Grand Departure 2024 it is also an opportunity to organize extraordinary openings in museums and promotion programs dedicated to the world of two wheels. This is the case of the Florentine Civic Museums and MUS.E, which offer special visits to the Gino Bartali Museum and the Deportations Memorial, as well as the Forte Belvedere which reopened to the public on 25 June.

The Tour de France 2024 starts from Florence. Special visits to the Gino Bartali Museum and the Memorial

It is located in Ponte a Ema on Gino Bartali Museumwhere the famous cyclist (Ponte a Ema, 1914 – Florence, 2000) was born and began his career. The institution is part of the Florentine Civic Museums and, for the occasion, will be open free of charge from 28 to 30 June 2024with activities for children and guided tours (reservation required) organized by MUS.E: “the workshops for the little ones will allow them to get closer to the history and nature of the bicycle, while the visits will allow them to relive the years of sports cycling in which Gino Bartali raced – winner, among the numerous races, of three Giro d’Italia and two Tour de France – and to delve into the themes linked to the history of the bicycle and cycling”, they say at the museum. In addition to the symbols and relics linked to the history of Bartali, there will be exhibited historical examples of bicycles, both racing and otherwise, made between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. But also the Memorial of the Deportations of Florence, located in Piazza Bartali, is a tribute to the cyclist who, between 1943 and 1944, worked on the front line to save the Jews.

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Gino Bartali Museum, Ponte a Ema

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Memorial of the Deportations, Florence

The Tour de France 2024 starts from Florence. The reopening of the Forte del Belvedere

The reopening of the Forte di San Giorgio, better known as the Forte di San Giorgio, is part of the programme to enhance the city’s towers, gates and fortresses which will be accessible to the public throughout the summer. Fort Belvedere and from which it is possible to admire Florence from above. Thus the external spaces of the Fort will also be open free of charge, including the two terraces of the Palazzina Medicea, and will be organized (every Friday and Sunday with reservations required) guided tours: “it will thus be possible to appreciate the history and spaces of Forte San Giorgio, whose construction began in 1590 at the behest of Ferdinando I de’ Medici as the last piece of an update of the defensive program of the Oltrarno, dedicating particular attention to the bastions, to the gunboats, the building and the mysterious treasure room”, they explain from the Forte.

Gino Bartali, 1945

The Tour de France 2024 starts from Florence. Other special openings

The reopening of the Forte del Belvedere is joined by that of San Frediano Gate (which, in collaboration with the Angeli del Bello Foundation, will remain open to visitors until September 30th), Mint Tower and the St. Nicholas Towerwhose restoration work was recently completed and the Fortress of San Giovanni, also known as Fortezza da Basso.

Caterina Angelucci

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