Italy 24 Press News

Sassari, assault on Mondialpol vault: shots fired and cars set on fire, bandits on the run

The robbery was successful: they broke through the wall of the building with the bucket of a bulldozer. Then they engaged in a shootout with the carabinieri

A commando of bandits armed with weapons of war has the Mondialpol vault on the outskirts of Sassari was attacked around 8.30pm. The criminals entered the security company’s establishment breaking through a wall with the bucket of a mechanical vehicle. They shot inside to scare the security guards and they managed to get hold of the money kept in the vault and escaped. To cover their escape they set fire to several cars blocking the streets around and fired at a police car that crossed them. At the moment there are no reports of injuries and the amount taken away is unknown

The robbery took place in the Sassari hamlet of Caniga, the commando was made up of about ten peopleThe bandits first had isolated the streets around the vault, then they began to demolish the wall of the building with a bulldozer. When the carabinieri arrived they opened the escape route by shooting bursts of shots. To cover their escape, the gang members then set fire to other cars along the road.

June 28, 2024 (changed June 28, 2024 | 10:09 pm)


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