Italy 24 Press News

In Piedmont RenOlis has highlighted a 16% increase in exhausted oils and fats

PIEDMONT – In Piedmont, 689,700 kg of exhausted cooking oils and fats were collected, that is, 16% more than in 2022: this is the data that emerges from the latest report published by the RenOlis Consortium.

RenOlis is a company based in Milan and led by Ennio Fano that aims to “increase and make more efficient the collection of exhausted vegetable and animal edible oils and fats in Italy and ensure their correct management to safeguard the environment”. To collect the material, which in the sinks would end up polluting the environment, RenOils relies on a network of operational partners, consisting of 34 companies involved in the collection and 18 regeneration plants.

According to the data referring to 2023, Piedmont is in the middle of the ranking for the quantity of waste of this type collected. At the top is Veneto, followed by Campania and Emilia-Romagna. “In Piedmont the total collection was 689,700 kg, +16% compared to the previous year. – the report states – In Turin a significant increase, 463,770 kg, +34% compared to the previous year, equivalent to over 60% of the collection in the entire region. After the regional capital, Novara (65,241 kg, +16%) and Verbano-Cusio-Ossola (31,842 kg, +38%) stand out.”

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