Italy 24 Press News

Incomprehensible NO to the motion on healthcare in the Municipality of Pistoia

PISTOIA – “So many honors always correspond to so much responsibility.

A responsibility that yesterday the City Council decided not to entrust to the deputy mayor Anna Maria Celesti, President of the Società della Salute Pistoiese.

Here several hypotheses open up: was the vote of abstention decided by the Council and requested from all its councilors? Did the majority decide not to grant confidence to the Health Company and its President with respect to what the motion requested? Or, more prosaically, does the majority express a vote against all the motions presented by the Civics and Reformists group, even if they are in the interest of the citizens?

Tina Nuti

The united vote in favor of the motion of the entire minority was positive.

The motion deals with health and healthcare.

In Pistoia, thanks to the PNNR funds and the Tuscany Region, a total of about 12 million have arrived. Of these, 6.2 million finance 8 projects of the Società della Salute which was able to present proposals in particular for the elderly and disabled population and for the most fragile citizens. Among these projects there is also the recovery of the former Radiology which will be transformed on the first floor into accommodation for the autonomy of disabled people and on the ground floor as an access point for those who do not know where to go such as the homeless.

The other 5.6 million were assigned by the Tuscany Region to ASL for the works inside the Cassa di Risparmio Pavilion. The building is currently used to a minimal extent compared to its potential. The funds were assigned so that it becomes a true center of excellence for the long-awaited territorial health care.

The three floors of the pavilion already have functional spaces such as the blood sampling and vaccination point on the ground floor, the intermediate care beds that occupy a part of the second and third floors and the dentistry. Much still needs to be done in the building, starting with the Community Hospital with its service rooms and offices for the staff and ending with the recovery of the historic entrance into a modern and functional waiting room.

Community Hospital goes beyond the concept of intermediate care beds; it is a question of creating another hospital system to compensate for the overcrowding of San Jacopo and to allow the treatment of patients suffering from chronic pathologies who require a level of assistance that is impossible at home, but not the medical surveillance of the hospital.

The pavilion will be home to two COTs, or Territorial Operations Centers, open 7 days a week and which will function as a control room to coordinate the work of general practitioners, specialists, social workers and if necessary also the physiotherapist, in order to follow together patients who leave the hospital, but still need assistance at their homes; scheduled assistance and without having to chase difficult and distant reservations. Services dedicated to women will be moved to this building: the women’s center, gynecology, breast care, obstetrics and then Childhood and Adolescent Mental Health and the Laboratory for aids for people with disabilities. And also specialist clinics, general practitioner clinics, nursing services, social workers of the Municipality of Asl.

The building is large, but the functions are many. And the project presented by ASL on the Pavilion includes restoration works of the damaged areas and systems and replacement of fixtures, floors and sanitary fixtures. The building has historical importance and certainly cannot be overturned, but at the same time it should be modified to better accommodate all these functions. Which, despite being all socio-healthcare, need their autonomy and confidentiality.

The interest in how ASL builds its buildings and how it uses the spaces is not new, in fact in 2012 Tomasi and a large part of the current Board asked to know how the various departments of San Jacopo would work, also extending to suggestions of a technical nature. My motion does not ask to give technical suggestions, I do not have the skills, but politically it asks that the Health Company follow the works and give indications on how to organize the spaces, so that they are functionally suitable to provide services to citizens since it is precisely the Health Company and not ASL that has, by law, the primary responsibility for the organization and future management of all social health activities in the area.

The greater level of discussion and discussion between the ASL and the Health Society would certainly have helped to bring in all the services in an efficient and organic way to better respond to the needs of citizens.

Precisely due to the relevance of this moment, due to the presence of abundant economic resources available today and not in the future, due to the difficulty that the citizens of Pistoia experience on a daily basis when approaching local healthcare, in order to be able to request greater personnel resources, it was It is of fundamental importance to strengthen the role of the President of our Health Society.

Tina Nuti, Civic and Reformist Group Leader

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