In Italy the super rich are growing, in 2023 +8.4% with the soft tax regime – QuiFinanza

In Italy the super rich are growing, in 2023 +8.4% with the soft tax regime – QuiFinanza
In Italy the super rich are growing, in 2023 +8.4% with the soft tax regime – QuiFinanza

In 2023 the number of super rich in Italy has leapt forward, recording record results that even displace the United States. This is the data that emerges from the latest World Wealth Report 2024drawn up every year by the consulting firm Capgemini, which compares the growth of personal wealth in various countries around the world by drawing up a ranking of those with the highest number of wealthy people. And Italy, in what was the latest report drawn up on wealth registered in 2023, is the best in Europe with a leap of the8,4% which puts it behind only the new giant rising in world markets, India.

Italy is a country for the super rich

In the analysis of the French consultancy firm Capgemini, an interesting fact emerges, with the World Wealth Report 2024 crowning Italy as the European country whose wealth grew the most in 2023. If the millionaires in the world I am increased on average of 5,1%leading 22.8 million people to have a six-figure bank account, our country can boast record growth.

Compared to 2022, in fact, there are 8.4% more super rich which in 2023 achieved a leap of 8.5% of their assets. A super result if we consider that the trend of the Old Continent is +4%, numbers that are affected by “high but falling inflation, slow growth of national GDPs and a drop in domestic demand”.

In Italy, however, none of this. Or rather, what allows the record growth are the good stock returns and the significant increase in tourism.

Rich with the soft tax regime

But why this boom? As highlighted by the Court of Auditors, the reason could be that soft tax regime that since 2017 has introduced a substitute tax of 100,000 euros (and 25,000 per family member) on income produced abroad for the rich who transfer their tax residence to Italy.

In doing so, therefore, Italy has become a country sought after by wealthy foreigners who want to take advantage of the favorable tax regime. And according to the data, in 2022 there were 1,136 of them to seize the opportunity.

The super rich in the world

A figure, that emerged from the World Wealth Report 2024 by Capgemini, which has an even more important value if compared to the results of other countries in the world. Reaffirming how India’s growth levels are unmatched, with the +12% recorded, Italy manages to put itself ahead of numerous countries.

Starting from the Usa. In and around Washington, the country with the largest number of billionaires in the world, the population of the super-rich grew by “only” 7.3%, with wealth increases of 7.4%.

Looking closer to us, the France records a +6.4% of millionaires and a +6.5% growth in assets thanks to the record year for tourism and the great demand for luxury products which have also led to an increase in exports. A real stroke of luck for Paris. Also exceeding the European average of 4% is Swiss and the Denmark, while they don’t even touch 3% United Kingdom and the Germania.

The report also highlights that of the 22.8 million millionaires in the world, 90% have assets between 1 and 5 million, while 9% can count on assets between 5 and 30 million. Only 1%, however, have assets exceeding 30 million.

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