Italy 24 Press News

Alessandria, the debut of the Youth Council

ALEXANDRIA – It met in the City Council Hall for the first time this evening Youth Consult.

The response from the citizens was excellent. In fact, they were present at the first meeting, chaired by the councilor Rita Rossa, 61 boys, of which 44 were in the classroom. Among the councilors, also Giulia Giustetto, Youness Farahat, Valerio Vanin and Mattia Roggero. Also in the room were the president of the Institutional Affairs Commission Diego Malagrino and the Councilor for Youth Policies Vittoria Oneto.

The Consulta was inaugurated in the name of responsibility: “The responsibility of protagonism”, commented Rossa, who then started the voting operations for the election of president and vice president.

And, despite the controversies that preceded this highly anticipated first meeting, “For the first time all the councilors are on the same side – it was added – The aim of the consultation will be to set objectives and work in synergy on the purposes common to all”.

To the direction of the Consulta

The president elected by the body is Edoardo Morando. The vice-presidents were elected ex aequo, instead. Francesca Vassarotti e Leonardo Saggiorato. Secretary of the Consultation, Matteo Zaccaro. The next appointment to establish the commissions is to be defined.

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