Italy 24 Press News

In Trieste the counter-demonstration of the G7 Education

TRIESTE, JUNE 28 – Current education policies do not work and must be changed for the present and future of the school. This was underlined today in Trieste by the demonstrators who organized a mobilization on the opening day of the G7 Education, defined by the unions and teachers present as “the G7 of (d)education). “The G7 summit is centered on the idea that education is mainly a tool for introducing people into economic life, into the job market, responding to the needs of companies – explains Davide Zotti, of Cobas Scuola Trieste-Gorizia – we want instead a school free from these logics. Furthermore, speaking of work, the G7 does not address one of the most important issues in this context, that of security”. As for the schools in the area, Zotti underlines how “there are many critical issues at a local level too, let’s think about the structures here which are old, poorly maintained and insufficient, in addition to the problem of the overcrowded chicken coop classes. How can we guarantee adequate education in this way?”.

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