Italy 24 Press News

Adria returns in summer. The 32nd edition is presented

ADRIA (Rovigo) – The Adria d’Estate program was presented in Adria by the mayor Massimo Barbujani, with the vice Federico Simoni and the representation of Adriashopping led by the president Salvatore Del Gaudio.

Mayor Massimo Barbujani, also once a trader, remembers the Adria enterprise, which became a model for the province of Rovigo. “A group of traders who made the history of Polesine.

The event, created to revitalize trade, to relaunch economic activities and encourage social coexistence, as always, represents a splendid showcase that catalyzes and increases the joy of hospitality, both for those who offer it and for those who receive it, with a very broad and varied program to liven up the Friday evenings of July and August, along the main streets and squares of the city center and which aims to involve the whole territory, attracting numerous visitors also from neighboring towns.

A heartfelt thank you to the new board of directors of Adriashopping, the historic Adria association which recently experienced a difficult change. After several meetings and contributions from former salespeople, we have built an original program for everyone, from nightlife for young people to spaces for shows and those dedicated to associations.
A longer edition than usual, from 5 July to 6 September with the closing evening dedicated to the White Night of Culture.

As a Municipality we have made an investment in shows, music and theatre, trying to involve as many subjects as possible, including the Adria Conservatory. July 5th will be an opening evening with the institutions, from the mayors of the Delta, to the representation of the Region, to the Prefect of Rovigo” concludes Barbujani.

IThe president of Adriashopping Del Gaudio thanked the Municipality of Adria for the organizational help and the management team. “We are running, sWe are trying to do the best we can, driven by the love for our city“.

From the deputy mayor Federico Simoni the announcement of an evening, Friday 23 August, entirely dedicated to sports associations and free time.

“A showcase to let all the people who come to spend an evening on Fridays during “Adria d’Estate” know who they are and what they do, one of the most beautiful events in our area.
Piazza Garibaldi, also known as Piazza Castello, will host this evening of sports and entertainment, and it is an honor for me, before a duty, to thank all the associations that have worked so hard to make this evening possible for more than 10 years.

We are here, present and active, to let you know our history, our activities, our staff, our small and large athletes with demonstrations, performances, videos, images, gadgets and sporting material on display.

We are a big family where we all work together for the growth of our children, our kids. We are a gym of life and education for the children and kids of today, who will be the adults of tomorrow.

With pride and emotion, therefore, we renew to all of you the invitation to come and visit us, and to be able to tell everyone that the sports and leisure associations of Adria are here, determined, present and active, and stronger and more numerous than before” concluded Simoni.

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