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“Classica d’estate & wine”, two events in Lecce

Last weekend of June with the “cultured music” proposed by the program of the 54th concert season of the Camerata Musicale Salentina, Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June 2024, as part of the “Classica d’estate & wine” review. On the stage of the Sala-Giardino in via Lino Suppressa, starting at 8.45 pm, a young and talented duo and a three-piece will perform respectively.

On Saturday, Giulia Fornaro (flute) and Francesco Masi (piano), already winners of the Concert-Prize awarded by the Camerata itself at the Gallipoli International Classical and Jazz Music Competition, will be on stage; while on Sunday, accompanied by the pianist Enrico Tricarico, it will be the turn of Cecilia Taliano Grasso (soprano) and Angelo De Matteis (bass), in turn winners of the Concert-Prize, also in this case awarded by the Camerata, at the International Singing Competition lyrical “Magliano ti amo”. The former will perform music by Reinecke, Beethoven, Doppler, Taffanel and Donizetti, while the latter, among others, will perform opera arias taken from “Turandot” by Puccini, “Il barbiere di Siviglia” by Rossini, and “Don Giovanni” by Mozart.

For info and reservations: Camerata Musicale Salentina, via XXV July, 2B, Lecce, telephones 0832-309901 and 348-0072654/55.

Giulia Fornaro She began studying the flute at the age of 12 and in March 2022 she obtained a bachelor’s degree from the “Tito Schipa” Conservatory of Music in Lecce with top marks and honors under the guidance of Maestro Luigi Bisanti. She participated in masterclasses and advanced courses with Maestros Andrea Manco, Luigi Facchini, Alessandro Muolo, Nicola Rizzo, Egon Mihajlovic. In October 2022 she performed in the “Fortunae Flatus” flute orchestra as first flute and solo flute on behalf of the Fai Association. She participated in various competitions, including the “La Vallonea” International Music Competition in Tricase, the “Trofeo San Lazzaro” International Classical and Jazz Music Competition in Gallipoli, the “Musicarte Festival e Competition” in Tiggiano, always ranking first overall in her category. In October 2023 he obtained a master’s degree in solo flute with full marks at the “Tito Schipa” Conservatory in Lecce.

Francesco Masi He began studying piano at the age of 9 at the Mediterranean Music Academy of Leporano under the teachings of Professor Agnese Urso, immediately highlighting a great talent that allowed him to achieve excellent results in his training in a short time. He ranked first in numerous national and international competitions and in November 2013, on the occasion of first place overall in the “Premio Italia Olimpo Pianistico” competition, he received a medal of honor from the President of the Republic. He has performed in various cities in Italy and participated in masterclasses held by masters Cosimo Damiano Lanza, Alexander Hintchev, Roberto Cappello, Emanuele Arciuli, Giorgio Manni and professor Carol Leone. In July 2022 he obtained the Three-Year Academic Diploma in Piano at the “Tito Schipa” Conservatory of Music in Lecce with honors and honorable mention. He is currently specializing in the two-year academic course in solo piano with professor Francesca Mammana.

Cecilia Taliano Grasso She began her musical studies as a child, first with the flute and then with the piano. In 2015 she was admitted to the singing class at the “Casella” Conservatory in L’Aquila, and then continued her studies at the “Respighi” Conservatory in Latina. There she obtained the first level academic diploma in singing in 2019 and subsequently the second level diploma in 2021, with honors. In 2019 she made her debut in “Le nozze di Figaro” at the Teatro Clitunno in Trevi in ​​the role of Susanna. In 2023 she sang in the role of Fiordiligi in “Così fan Tutte” at the Rocca Albornoz in Viterbo; in the same year she won the second prize of the “Magliano ti amo” international opera competition and the third prize of the “Luigi Zanuccoli” international opera competition. In 2024 she sang the role of Liù in “Turandot” with Europa InCanto at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples, the Auditorium della Conciliazione in Rome and the Teatro Filarmonico in Verona. She currently continues her training with the maestros Caterina Di Tonno and Fabio Centanni.

Angel Diego Maria De Matteis was born in Brindisi, where he cultivated his passion for music since he was a child. Initially approaching the study of the guitar, he subsequently began studying opera singing under the guidance of Professor Raffaella Liccardi. Having graduated with honors from the “Tito Schipa” Conservatory in Lecce, he made his debut at the “Umberto Giordano” Theater in Foggia in the role of Don Bartolo in the opera “Il Barbiere di Siviglia”. He then played the role of the Count of Ceprano in the opera “Rigoletto” at the “Garibaldi” Theater in Modica. Furthermore, he was a soloist in the concert “Il Francescanesimo in Musica” in Pietrelcina. He further enriched his experience by participating in various masterclasses, including the one on Italian opera with the maestro Michele D’Elia, held at the Palazzo Pesce in Mola di Bari, as well as those held in the Gaffurio Academy in Lodi with the maestro Leo Nucci, renowned international singer.

Enrico Tricaricopianist and composer, completed his musical studies at the Bari Conservatory. His production currently includes around one hundred titles, where, on the threshold of tradition, an exclusive modern, educated and refined language stands out. His revisions and transcriptions of important recently rediscovered works by Giovanni Paisiello (opera buffa Il matrimonio inaspettato), Saverio Mercadante (Concerto for flute and orchestra n. 4) and Vincenzo Alemanno (sacred oratorio “Mira! O fedel”) have been performed. His music has been performed in numerous festivals and theatres by authoritative interpreters and has been published and recorded on various CDs. He has held piano recitals as a soloist and in ensembles and has conducted his symphonic-choral compositions Rapsodia Mediterranea and Stabat Mater. As a pianist and composer he has collaborated with the Tirana Opera Orchestra, the Diabelliorchester of the Musikum in Salzburg and the Lumina ensemble. In addition to his interest in classical, sacred and contemporary music, he is active as director and arranger of the Orchestra Terra del Sole, conducting numerous events including the Magliano festival from 2012 to today, the historic “Premio Barocco” and a stage of the “Notte della taranta” festival in 2019, collaborating with many Italian singer-songwriters. He is the artistic director of the “Festival Terra tra due Mari”, the Giuseppe Tricarico music competition and the Magliano città della Musica lyric competition. He is also the organist of the Basilica Cattedrale Sant’Agata in Gallipoli and is a teacher at the Enrico Giannelli music-dance high school in Parabita.

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