Italy 24 Press News

Sicily, 9 million euros allocated for the job placement of prisoners

Supporting the social inclusion of disadvantaged people by strengthening their employability through training and professional inclusion initiatives. With this objective, the Regional Department of Family and Social Policies of the Sicily region has published a public notice for the presentation of projects for the socio-employment inclusion of individuals serving a sentence. The financial resources amount to 9,166,293 euros under the ESF+ Sicily 2021-2027 programme.

“With this measure – says the regional councilor for families and social policies, Nuccia Albano – we encourage inclusion, we support equal opportunities and we fight discrimination by encouraging the active participation and employability of socially fragile subjects. I firmly believe in the principle of the re-educational purpose of punishment and the prisoner, after having served it, must be put in a position to be able to return to a normal life. Therefore, he must be supported in the process of reintegration into the world of work. This is a first notice, another of the same amount will follow in the coming months.”

The subjects that can apply for funding are training institutions and employment agencies that participate in association with third sector bodies that work in favor of re-education and social inclusion. The project proposal, for the purposes of admissibility, must actively involve the penitentiary institutions or external penal enforcement offices, or juvenile services (social service offices for minors and penal institutions for minors) involved, in order to verify the need and organizational sustainability of the project operation. The target audience is represented by convicted subjects detained or admitted to alternative measures, including minors, citizens of third countries, migrants and marginalized communities. The submission of the funding application must take place exclusively through the support of the information system, by accessing the website

The notice is part of the process initiated by the Sicilian Region with the signing of the Transnational Interregional Agreement “Interventions for the improvement of services for the social and work inclusion of individuals serving a sentence” of 27 April 2011 promoted by the Department of Penitentiary Administration of the Ministry of Justice.

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