Italy 24 Press News

Festival of 20th Century Architecture, Latina Municipality working on the great project

Work is underway in the Municipality of Latina for the creation of the 20th century Architecture Festival which was part of the dossier with which the Pontine capital applied as a candidate for Capital of Culture 2026. A project on which the administration led by the mayor Celentano is focusing heavily and with which it aspires to overcome even national borders.

The process therefore proceeds and the council resolution approved yesterday on the direction of the mayor Celentano and the urban planning councilor Annalisa Muzio is, in fact, preparatory to committing the contribution made available by the Frosinone Latina Chamber of Commerce.

“I thank, on behalf of the administration I represent, the Frosinone Latina Chamber of Commerce which has made a contribution of 50 thousand euros available for the creation of the 20th century Architecture Festival in the city – declared the first citizen -. The project, included in the Latina Bonum Facere dossier with which Latina applied for the national competition of Italian Capital of Culture 2026, also received valid appreciation during the ‘Cantiere città’ masterclass organized by the Ministry of Culture and dedicated to the finalist cities. The administration is working to best organize the event to which we intend to give an international dimension.”

“With the council resolution – stated Councilor Muzio – it is acknowledged that the resources necessary for carrying out the actions relating to the ‘Festival of ‘900 Architecture’ project will be covered by the contribution granted by the Frosinone Latina Chamber of Commerce. The income and expenditure chapters in the 2024 budget will now be provided for to accommodate the financing and spending commitments for the realization of the event. At the same time, we are working to appoint the technical scientific committee and the working group that will deal with the executive planning. The festival – concludes Muzio – will also allow us to make the founding Architecture of our city known abroad and to make Latina a unique place that will allow it to have a workforce of excellence. A piece that will fit into the path that will lead us to the centenary”.

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