Italy 24 Press News

Umbria International Airport: inauguration of new connections with Verona and Lampedusa

HelloFly’s inaugural flight took place on Friday 28 June at Umbria International Airport, marking the beginning of an important air connection between Lampedusa, Perugia and Verona. The flight, departing from Lampedusa and bound for Verona, will make a weekly stopover in the Umbrian capital. This new air route represents a dual opportunity for travellers. On the one hand, it allows you to easily reach Lampedusa, one of the most fascinating islands in the Mediterranean, renowned for its breathtaking beaches and crystal clear waters. On the other, it offers a direct connection to Verona, a city of great economic and cultural importance in the Italian panorama. Present, among others, at the inaugural event: the Regional Councillor for Transport Enrico Melasecche; the President of the SASE Company Antonello Marcucci, the Councillor for Transport and Tourism of the Municipality of Lampedusa, the Director of Perugia Airport Umberto Solimeno; the CEO of HelloFly Company Teodosio Longo, the Director of Lampedusa Airport and Piero Montagnoli, Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Deruta.

Councilor Melasecche brought a particularly cordial greeting to the guests also on behalf of President Tesei, who has done a lot to reach today’s event and who was unable to be present today. “In 2024 we must consolidate the results achieved in the past year” – declared the Councilor – “What was decided in the Council for the expansion and redevelopment of the airport will allow us to commit new investments, both from the Region with the Development and Cohesion Fund, and with those that SASE foresees in its industrial plan, to gradually allow the achievement of new goals because, for example, the increase in parking spaces alone, currently insufficient on peak days, will give the possibility of ensuring new attractiveness and new valuable revenues to increase the self-financing of the Company, such as the new technologies introduced with the telepass, which from the next few days will reduce the queues at the cash desks, improving the overall efficiency of the structure. It would be serious” – continued Melasecche – “to block the virtuous process of development by not providing SASE with the resources necessary to pursue the challenging objectives that the Board has designed for this legislature but also necessarily for the developments that a forward-looking vision requires because the results achieved so far with the airport represent one of the many jewels in the crown of this Board and this Legislature”.

“We are extremely satisfied” – stated the President of the SASE Company Antonello Marcucci – “the Lampedusa route allows us further connections with the south and with the islands. This flight continues towards Verona, connecting us with another city that is essential for business.” Equally interesting was the observation of the Lampedusa Councilor for Transport and Tourism Vincenzo Cantafia: “The San Francesco airport, with this new route, constitutes a very important opportunity for us to open new relationships as, with the exception of the flight from Forlì and from Fiumicino, is the only connection of our island with Central Italy for which there are already commitments with some municipalities in Tuscany to use your airport for Lampedusa and we invite all the inhabitants of this vast central area of ​​the country to visit us for the our natural beauties.”

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