Italy 24 Press News

Worker finds a mortar shell in Livorno while working on an Il Tirreno excavator

LIVORNO. An unexploded mortar shell most likely dating back to the Second World War. It was found on June 27th by a worker while he was working on an excavator of the Livorno Center for Inert Recovery, a company in Via di Vallin Buio authorized for the storage and treatment of non-hazardous special waste mainly deriving from construction and demolition operations and you dig.

Earth collected elsewhere – it is not clear whether in the province of Livorno or Pisa, given that that was a pile of raw material to be reclaimed, the result of various transports that took place in the previous hours – inside which, hidden at first glance under quintals of ground, there was the unexploded ammunition, but without the fuse-device that activates it, approximately 30 centimeters large.

The call to 112 was immediate, with the arrival on site of a crew from the Flying Squad of the General Prevention and Public Rescue Office of the Police Headquarters. The officers, after an initial inspection, called in the bomb squad, who will organize the recovery in the next few days. At the moment the projectile is buried under a pile of earth, fenced off with tape to prevent anyone from approaching it, still within the perimeter of the Livorno company. A few years ago, again at the Livorno Inert Recovery Center, a bomb was found that was detonated by the bomb squad.

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