Italy 24 Press News

the former Roma camp declared off limits

In the offices of the Prefecture of Naples a meeting was held, convened by the Prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari, for an update on the recent episodes of fumaroles that have affected the territory of Caivano and the burning of the area of the former Roma camp of Barra – Via Mastellone in Naples.

Participating were the Minister of the Interior’s representative for combating arson of waste in the Campania region, Ciro Silvestro, the members of the extraordinary commission of Caivano, Filippo Dispenza and Simonetta Calcaterra, the councilor for municipal police and legality of the municipality of Naples, Antonio De Iesu, the commanders of the respective local police forces, the representatives of the police force, of the National Fire Brigade and of the metropolitan city, the general director of Arpa Campania, Stefano Sorvino, the commander of the Campania Roads Group Safe – Land of Fires, Leo Ferrante.

During the meeting, data on the outbreaks of plant residue fires that developed in the vicinity of the nomad camp were analyzed. via Cinquevie in Caivano. It was agreed to increase checks on compliance with the municipal ordinance which establishes obligations and prohibitions aimed at preventing the risk of forest and interface fires, with a view to avoiding the spread of flames to any piles of waste.

The Fire Brigade will operate with their drones to intensify prevention and increase the chances of catching the perpetrators red-handed and the presence of the Strade Sicure – Terra dei Fuochi military in the area will be intensified. At the same time, specific anti-spill checks continue at production sites by the local police and the metropolitan police, which recently allowed the seizure of 4 business activities. A similar intensification of services has also been agreed for the former nomad camp of Via Mastellone in Naples, where the municipality will begin work on prohibit access to the site and the first interventions to remove residual waste. The Director General of Arpac immediately arranged for sensors and equipment to be positioned to carry out sampling and monitoring of the air in the area affected by the latest fires.


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