Italy 24 Press News

Public lighting in the municipality of Cisterna di Latina managed by Enel X

Investments of 3.3 million euros are planned, the replacement of 2,632 old fixtures with the same number of latest generation LEDs, 132 electrical control panels, 752 obsolete supports, 1,128 electrical lines for a saving of 1,768,147 kWh. Citizens will be able to report faults and maintenance with a smartphone app.

The Municipality of Cisterna for more efficient public lighting capable of ensuring greater energy savings, management is transferred to Enel X.

This is the objective of the Municipality of Cisterna di Latina, which has joined the Consip agreement “Servizio luce 4”, lot 8, of which Enel X Global Retail – the global business line of the Enel Group, world leader in the development of innovative solutions to support the energy transition – has won the tender.

The agreement provides for the assignment to Enel X, for 9 years, of the management of the entire municipal public lighting system, currently consisting of 3,760 light points and 188 electrical control panels, in addition to the ten traffic light systems.

In addition to the ordinary operation and maintenance of the plants and the supply of “green” energy, Enel X, through its subsidiary Enel Sole, will also carry out a series of interventions, at its own expense, the work of which will be completed by 2025, with regard to the energy efficiency of the Municipality’s lighting system, and by 2034 with regard to extraordinary maintenance work to bring the plants into compliance with regulations.

«In the next few weeks – explains councilor Marco Capuzzo – the implementation phase of the service will begin. In fact, the entrusted company will take care of the preparation of the executive project to make the planned works ready for construction under the supervision of the Public Planning and Works Service and of the Sole Project Manager, Arch. Paolo Valeri, who will also make use of the support of the Mobility Hub Sustainable University of Sapienza University of Rome, Cisterna di Latina headquarters.

The service is scheduled to start on January 1, 2025 and the total amount of investments in the area is 3.3 million euros and includes, in addition to the replacement of 2,632 old fixtures with the same number of latest-generation LED fixtures, the replacement of 132 electrical control panels and 752 obsolete supports. Finally, 1,128 electrical lines deriving from the existing system will also be replaced. These interventions will lead to annual energy savings amounting to 1,768,147 kWh.

“Cisterna citizens – he continues – will also be able to use the Enel X YoUrban App to report faults in lighting systems, all georeferenced, via smartphone. The service will be free in the app stores for both Android and iOS. The YoUrban portal will be available to the Administration, which will verify the progress of the management interventions for the reported faults”.

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