Italy 24 Press News

Silicon Box: Nastri (Fdi), ‘great achievement for the Novara area’

Rome, 28 June. “The signing of this historic agreement” for the construction of a Silicon Box plant in Novara, “represents a great achievement for our territory. Both from an employment point of view with the creation of 1600 direct jobs plus related ones and for the ability to guarantee economic and social security for the coming years by improving competitiveness, development and well-being”. This is what the senator of Fratelli d’Italia and quaestor of the Assembly of Palazzo Madama, Gaetano Nastri, states.

“In recent years – he adds – Fratelli d’Italia has always shown this territory the right path to follow to consolidate local economic growth and further stimulate the increase in stable employment. The path taken so far fills us with pride because thanks to Giorgia Meloni we have implemented serious structural measures capable of bringing back many investments from abroad, thus giving an opportunity for the future to our young people. The ability to work in synergy with all local and national institutions has guaranteed the finalization of this agreement: the great teamwork of the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, and the President of the Piedmont Region, Alberto Cirio, and the Municipal Administration of Novara rewards this territory, today a true technology hub on a par with the most cutting-edge national and international districts. Let’s keep going like this, we must continue on this path by increasing the promotional activities of this territory, we can cut even more ambitious goals”.

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