Italy 24 Press News

He puts his wife and children through hell: convicted, compensation to the family

PESARO Accused of hitting his 3-year-old son with a belt or a stick: 24 years of marriage that are enclosed in an accusation of mistreatment in the family and in a complaint born during a contentious divorce. Yesterday the sentence before the panel of the Pesaro court. A 48-year-old from Puglia resident in the Pesaro area is also accused of having accompanied his six-year-old daughter into the open countryside, leaving her there alone and forcing her to chase the car that was driving away.

He would have gone to get her back only after his wife’s complaints. According to the woman, he wanted to punish his daughter because she didn’t want to eat mozzarella for dinner. According to his ex, he hurled many insults: “failure, you’re useless, you’ve reduced yourself to a vegetable, crazy, I’ll have you locked up, I’ll take your children away”. And when he wanted to have sex with her in the evening, he sent the children alone to the park. He also allegedly treated the children negatively: “You’re not my daughter, you’re bad” or “idiot, idiot, you shouldn’t go to school, you should go digging, you’re a failure”. Accusations confirmed by his daughter during the trial. The defendant, defended by the lawyer Matteo Mea, defended himself by saying that he had only hit his son’s legs with a stick. They were not insults with a punitive effect but jokes with an educational intent.

And he reclassified the episodes in the context of a conflictual relationship, denying some circumstances and underlining some contradictions of the wife. The complaint against the man was filed in October 2022 when the man allegedly punched, kicked and slapped his son in the stairwell, in front of other people, because he did not have the keys to the house. The woman and children joined the civil action through the lawyer Alessandro Pagnini. The prosecutor asked for 4 years of imprisonment and the panel sentenced the man to 3 years and 4 months in addition to the provisional sum of 5,000 euros for the mother and children. The defense promises to appeal.


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