Italy 24 Press News

Vicenza Volley lands the first blow: Letizia Anello arrives in the center

Born in 2002, the Aosta Valley native is fresh from two years in A2 between Offanengo and Olbia – Women’s B1 series, Vicenza Volley scores the first shot: Letizia Anello arrives in the center

Letizia Anello

The time strikes for the first new face on the Vicenza Volley roster in view of the next women’s B1 championship. After the confirmations of the setters Natasha Spinello and Valeria Bauce, the Berica club welcomes Letizia Ring. A midfielder from the Valle d’Aosta, born on 5 April 2002 and 1 meter 80 centimeters tall, she is back from two years in A2 with the shirts of Offanengo (2022/2023) and Olbia (last season), both of which culminated with salvation at the last minute.

Mariella Cavallaro

“Joy – he claims Mariella Cavallarored and white coach – it was a goal we had for years, we had already looked for her in the youth team for her outstanding speed in attack and great composure at the block, but the agreement had not materialized. We find her again now, with a past in Serie A behind her between Offanengo and Olbia, ready to bring all her experience and determination to a group that wants to work hard and have fun. We looked for experience and efficiency at the center of the net because we think it is a necessary strength to make the new Vicenza Volley more offensive”.

The player (who has a volleyball-playing twin, Ilaria, a full-back) does not hide her satisfaction at landing in the city of Palladio.

Tells Joy

“L’A2 it helps us grow from different points of view, both in the positive and negative aspects of a season. Above all, the Offanengo experience helped me a lot to approach Serie A, a world slightly different from other categories. I come from Olbia and have had a difficult season, but everything is needed to improve and the positive side was the verdict of salvation.”

Then he adds. “Vicenza was an interesting proposal and I am enthusiastic about this choice. I have received only positive feedback about this club, I even remember when I met it as an opponent, and it also has ambitious goals. All this led me to choose Vicenza Volley, which seems to me to be a well-organized reality. For my part, I want redemption and fun and I was looking for a place that could make me feel trust, support and respect. I hope it will be a lucky season for all of us.”

In the photo, Letizia Anello with the Vicenza Volley jersey


VICENZA VOLLEY SSD a RL Press office Luca Ziliani

[email protected] – @Volleyvicenza

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