Italy 24 Press News

Semplici: «Cagliari? After that extraordinary salvation it was unpleasant to leave»

The words of the former Cagliari coach, Leonardo Semplici, on the island team and his past farewell to the rossoblù

Spoke Leonardo Semplici. The Italian coach made some statements on the Cagliari, team trained for 19 total games between the 2020/21 and 2021/22 seasons. Here is an excerpt of the words of the former rossoblù coach released to the microphones of

CHANGE BENCHES – «Perhaps never before have there been so many changes on the bench as this year, both for first-tier teams and others. Probably not a generational change, but in any case there are always new ideas, different mentalities and therefore clubs try to find a coach who follows the idea they want to give to their team. Clearly these coaches must then be put in the ideal condition to be able to transfer their footballing ideas”

CAGLIARI – “After that extraordinary salvation, there were no conditions to continue. It was probably unthinkable for the club to break the relationship, but there was no right unity of purpose to continue, it was certainly an unpleasant decision, also for the club that deserved a better situation. Unfortunately for the team, the year did not go as hoped”

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