Italy 24 Press News

1954-2024: 70th anniversary of Canottieri Pesaro. Tomorrow the celebrations

Tomorrow, Saturday 29 June, the 70th anniversary of Canottieri Pesaro, founded in 1954 by President Fabio Giustiniani, will be celebrated in Pesaro. A busy program that will develop from 9.00 pm with the involvement of the federal President Giuseppe Abbagnale. A celebration that is even more important since it falls in the year in which Pesaro is the Italian Capital of Culture and, therefore, takes on particular importance and importance since, in addition to celebrating the anniversary of SC Pesaro, it will allow rowing to be given wide resonance thanks to the extraordinary context in which it falls. To accompany the celebrations, in addition to the many collateral initiatives, there is also a commemorative postcard on which the wishes of President Abbagnale were reported:

Pesaro 1954-2024: seventy years lived intensely between two centuries of history. As President of the Italian Rowing Federation, I am proud to be able to witness the 70th anniversary of the birth of the Società Canottieri Pesaro. This event celebrates not only the commitment, passion and sporting excellence that characterize the history of the Canottieri Pesaro, but also the resourcefulness and hospitality that allowed a group of Julian-Dalmatian exiles and fervent Pesaro athletes to found this beautiful association 70 years ago. It is the demonstration that with determination and unity you can achieve extraordinary goals.
I wish all of you, members and supporters of Canottieri Pesaro, a happy seventieth anniversary. May this achievement be just the beginning of further successes and may you continue to inspire future generations with your example of sporting excellence and commitment.
To greater!!”

The Poster
The program

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