Italy 24 Press News

Pavia, two dogs living in a nightmare seized by OIPA

ROME (ITALPRESS) – Two dogs have been seized by the zoophile guards of the International Animal Protection Organization (Oipa) who intervened in the Pavia area to save the four-legged animals forced to live in a nightmare scenario. The action began following a report received by the association, which intervened together with the local police. The keeper was reported for incompatible detention of animals causing serious suffering (article 727 of the Criminal Code).

Upon entering the internal courtyard of a building, the guards found a female Belgian Malinois Shepherd tied to the parapet of a balcony with a leash just over a meter long. The poor dog was skin and bones and in a state of severe stress. A second dog, whose yelps came from a garage, was found in the corner of the garage, in the dark, locked inside a cage. It was another Belgian Malinois, a male who was also malnourished. Phobic and in a state of severe stress, the dog could not stand up. Next to him there was also a second cage which, as the owner declared, was used for the female found on the balcony. Given the excessive thinness of the dogs, which also had abrasions on their bodies, the animal protection officers requested the intervention of the veterinary ATS, which confirmed their precarious state of health and also found behavioral disorders due to stress. (ITALPRESS). Photo: Oipa press office trl/com 28-Jun-24 15:48 .

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