Italy 24 Press News

The Lazio Region allocates 12 million euros for Latina for territorial strategies

The Lazio regional council approved the allocation of 12 million euros, on the proposal of the president Francesco Rocca, in concert with the competent councilors Roberta Angelilli and Giancarlo Righiniincluding 46 thousand euros for each municipal administration to support the development of the territorial strategy. In detail, Latina received 18 funded interventions. These are European resources provided for in the Regional Plan of the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027, within the scope of the objective “A Europe closer to citizens”.

“Territorial development interventions represent a significant step towards the economic and social growth of the provinces. This initiative will not only support local development, but will also promote sustainable management of resources and an improvement in the quality of life for citizens,” said Roberta Angelilli.

The stipulated agreements regulate the legal relationships between the regional Administration and the Municipalities of Latina, Viterbo and Rieti and guarantee the carrying out of activities and the complete implementation of territorial strategies.

“I thank the president of the Economic Development commission of the Lazio Regional Council, Enrico Tiero, for the collaboration and contribution provided to this important measure. The Lazio Region’s commitment to the support and development of the territories is constant and a priority. These first interventions are the fruit of the beginning of a virtuous path, which will see further investments and projects in favor of local communities”, concluded the Vice President of the Lazio Region.

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