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Modena, here is the Mezzetti council: waiting for the prefect’s leave – Politics

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Eight councilors, who will soon become nine, awaiting the prefect’s leave. Here is the new Modena City Council appointed today by Mayor Massimo Mezzetti in view of the first session of the City Council scheduled for Monday. For now, the delegations to Integrated Urban Security, Local Police, Social Cohesion, Welfare, Integration and Citizenship, Volunteering and Third Sector remain interim with the mayor to entrust them in August, as already announced, to Alessandra Camporota, as soon as her leave from the role of prefect begins.

On the controversy surrounding the exclusion of Modena Civica, Mezzetti justified his choice with the desire to reward the individual skills of the councilors, while on his first acts as mayor he cited the decision to agree with Hera to modify the separate waste collection system and to undertake road maintenance.

Out as expected Andrea Bosi who will have to decide whether or not to accept the role of president of the City Council.

Deputy Mayor is Francesca Maletti, Councilor for Healthcare, Health, Prevention and Healthy Lifestyles, Animal Rights and Welfare, Housing Policies and Housing Plan. Therefore, no Welfare Department for her.

For himself, the mayor maintains the delegations to Europe, Peace and International Cooperation, Human Rights and Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue; Gender Policies; Transition to Digital and Governance of Public Data, Artificial Intelligence and Smart City; Memory Project; Heritage; Reform of the Municipal Public Administration with the aim, as he explained and as also emerges from the delegations attributed, of promoting transversality and horizontality of public policies with respect to the verticality of traditional sectors: the reorganization of the municipal machine will have to be rethought in this direction.

The other councilors are: Andrea Bortolamasi (Culture, Cultural and Creative Industries, Tourism, Historic Center, City Promotion, Sports, Youth Policies), Vittorio Ferraresi (Participation, neighborhoods, decentralization, Transparency, Legality and anti-mafia), Carla Ferrari (Urban Planning, Productive Areas, Greenery, Parks and Urban Forestry), Giulio Guerzoni (Public Works, Construction, Infrastructure and Networks, Mobility, Territorial Security, Pnrr, City Care and Decorum, Civil Protection), Vittorio Molinari (Budget, Finance, Taxes, Personnel, Institutional Affairs, Registry Services, Environment, Circular Economy and Ecological Transition), Federica Venturelli (Educational Policies, Relations with the University), Paolo Zanca (Relations with Participated Companies, Work, Professional Training, Economic Promotion and Attractiveness, Trade, Suap, Agriculture, Crafts, SMEs and Cooperation).

For the role of head of cabinet the mayor has designated Roberto Solomita, while the journalist Giusi Marcante is the spokesperson.

Furthermore, for some of the mandates that remain with the mayor, specific collaboration tasks are envisaged for qualified professional figures who will be presented in the coming days, just as the appointment of a disability manager is also expected in the coming days.

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