Italy 24 Press News

Castore Reggio Calabria, the budget of the subsidiary approved

The shareholders’ meeting of Castore, owned by the Municipality and MetoCity of Reggio Calabria, approved the accounting document, in the presence of the Mayor, Councilor Domenico Battaglia and CEO Domenico Mallamaci. Falcomata: «The Company aims for efficiency and innovation».

Green light for the 2023 budget of the Castore company, owned by the Metropolitan City and the Municipality of Reggio Calabria. The shareholders’ meeting, with the entities represented by the mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà and the municipal councilor for Participated Companies, Domenico Battaglia, approved the accounting document on which the Board of Auditors and the Board of Directors of Castore, with the CEO Domenico Mallamaci, also expressed their opinion.

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«With this budget – he said Falcomata on the sidelines of the meeting – there was a reversal of trend compared to last year with regards to the management of the company and which, naturally, instils greater tranquility with respect to the path and political direction started, since 2016, with the birth of our “in house” company”. For the metropolitan mayor, therefore, it was «an opportunity to take stock of the critical issues to be resolved, to make the company safe and allow it to improve, develop and increase the activities that, already today, it carries out not only at within the expected fee”.

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“This demonstrates – continued Falcomatà – how much the Metropolitan City wants to continue investing in the company, making it more efficient and innovative with respect to the activities carried out and the prerogatives of safety and protection of workers and of the service aimed at citizens”.

Metropolitan services

The municipal councilor Battaglia said he was particularly satisfied with “the approval of a budget which arrives three months after the last resolution with the previous management of Castore”. «Today – he stated – we confirm the objectives that the administration, through Castore, will want to achieve. As a municipality, we have made a further effort, with six million euros placed in the institution’s budget for the ordinary fee foreseen for Castore’s activities. Therefore, from this moment, the company will become more operational in the area for all the functions that the Municipality has assigned to it”.

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«In recent months – underlined Battaglia – we are really appreciating the work that the company is carrying out by providing a service suitable for the emergencies for which it was called to intervene. In synergy with the Metropolitan City, therefore, we imagine an increasingly important future for our “in house””.

A transitional budget for Castore

Castore’s CEO, Domenico Mallamaci, looks further: “This is a transition budget. The real challenge is to be able to plan, for 2025, the inclusion of a structured item that can provide answers to workers and the city. The value of production, in fact, must be absorbed by the value of the fee and, in this sense, the fruitful path undertaken together with the Metropolitan City and the Municipality makes us more than optimistic”.

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