Italy 24 Press News

negative data, further failure of Occhiuto

CATANZARO «From what we learn from the Istat dossier “THE TOURIST TREND IN ITALY, FIRST EVIDENCE OF 2023”, Calabria has not yet managed to recover the tourist flows of the pre-pandemic period. One fact above all gives food for thought and places us in last place in Italy in this special ranking: between 2019 and 2023 we lost, in terms of presences, 18.3% of tourists in our region, while 10.9 % in terms of arrivals. Those who holiday in Calabria are residents in 81.9% of cases, the so-called domestic component, while only 18.1% of tourists are non-residents. It is as if time in these 5 years has stopped at the pandemic interval. The data I report, certified by the Ministry of Tourism, should give pause to president Roberto Occhiuto, who has taken upon himself, among other things, the delegation to tourism. A sector of fundamental importance for our land, which evidently goes poorly with other commitments undertaken by the governor, such as his function as ad acta commissioner for the implementation of the Deficit Recovery Plan of the Calabria Region’s Health Service. Once again the “development driver” represented by tourism in Calabria remains at a standstill, while the center right approves laws that will push our land back even further, making it less and less attractive to the rest of the world, such as differentiated autonomy, which hangs like a sword of Damocles over our heads. At a national level, then, the very expensive commercials of the bridge over the Strait continue, leaving aside the real investments needed by the Region, such as the strengthening of existing roads, a real railway on the Ionian side and the reconstruction of State Road 106. Perhaps tourists do not they come to Calabria because moving in this region is practically impossible, entire territories are completely isolated even in the presence of important infrastructures such as an airport (I’m thinking for example of Sant’Anna in Crotone which does not have stable and rapid connections with the Catanzaro area and the Sibaritide) and institutional promotion campaigns take their time. After three years of Occhiuto’s government, these data certify the further failure of a contradictory political class that is unable to go beyond the years.” This was stated by the group leader of the 5 Star Movement in the region Davide Tavernise.

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