Italy 24 Press News

Regional agency 653.24 Lopane Matrangola _ Puglia, way of life

(AGENPARL) – Rome, 28 June 2024

*Puglia is a virtuous model in the name of “a way of life”. She was great
participation in the workshop, which took place at Stampa Estera in Rome.
At the centre of the works is the story of the regional paradigm, between tourism,
culture, well-being, identity, innovation and sustainable growth.*
The eyes of the world are focused on Puglia, which confirms itself as a brand
attractive, virtuous development model for good sustainable practices
which are based on culture and the valorisation of policies
tourism. The fourth edition of the workshop “Puglia, a way of life” was
particularly participatory, confirming the usual success, telling
synergies, projects and related results.
The conference room of the Foreign Press Association, in Palazzo Grazioli a
Rome was packed, and many people were connected via streaming.
The rich afternoon opened with the speech of the special guest*,
Luca Bianchi*, general director of Svimez, expert in economics and
territorial development policies that took stock of economic data
linked to the world of production and to that of regional work. Identity and
innovation of Puglia the main themes, as objectives to be achieved,
after a positive economic season for the region, which runs from 2019 to
2023, confirming it as the most dynamic in Italy, with GDP growing
by 6.1%. The goals to work on are to strengthen
industrialization, i.e. an industrial approach to the management of
system, to attract foreign investments, internationalization and
innovation, universities and research, fight against brain drain.
What has emerged from the institutional voices is that we are continuing on the path of
growth, as stated by the tourism councilor *Gianfranco Lopane*,
so that the most consolidated and recognisable destinations can be
also lesser-known destinations in the hinterland are located alongside it. The region is
it confirms its attractiveness also thanks to the seaside model that enjoys water
excellent: also this year the cleanest in Italy. Around the sea, which is
the main resource, numerous activities are developed which enrich
the offer, such as water sports, sailing and cruises. Not just the sea
therefore, Puglia is a destination for sustainable outdoor tourism, thanks to the paths,
to cycle tourism and dedicated accommodation.
“Puglia has managed to carve out a space of recognition in the
international scenario through the beauty of its places, the iconicity
of its traditions, but also by the ability to propose a paradigm of
alternative life, based on sustainability, on hospitality, on
conviviality and commitment to legality, along the indicated path, years
ago, from Cassano’s ‘Pensiero Meridiano'”, reiterated *Viviana Matrangola*,
councilor for culture and legality of the Puglia Region. “In these
days – he concluded – the Regional Council has given the green light to
‘Apulian manifesto of cultural welfare’, which involves all subjects
involved in the development of the cultural offering to a greater
integration between the systems of culture and well-being. In Puglia we are
convinced that, through culture, people, territories and communities
can write or rewrite the most beautiful pages of their lives”.
*“*At the end of a European programming cycle, one can talk with the
facts. – thus *Aldo* *Patruno*, director of the Tourism Department,
economy of culture and valorisation of the territory of the Puglia Region
– We have spent everything we were allocated: 6 billion in funds
Europeans. Of these, 1 billion and 600 million were invested in tourism and
culture, which represent a fifth of the regional GDP. The strategic plan
regional culture was designed in 2016 on a ten-year basis, with
the aim of structuring a cultural economy, which is composed
joining with tourism. We have exceeded 16 million attendances in 2023,
with a demand for international and high-spending tourism”.
The Director of Economic Development of the Puglia Region,* Gianna Elisa
Berlingerio*, illustrated the talent attraction strategies implemented
in the field in Puglia, consolidated by research, development and innovation.
*Paolo Ponzio*, president of the Apulian public theatre, has got to the heart of the matter
of the Apulian lifestyle: “Instead of talking about narration we should
talk about stories, because there is a tradition in Puglia of stories, of
“cunti”, transmitted orally. We develop cultural activities that pervade
the Apulian territory through the intellectual liveliness of the cities and
of the countries. Ours, more than villages, are countries, inhabited by farmers who
they cultivated the land and the sea and became cultured. Culture and
cultivation go hand in hand. I refer to the principles of the workshop.
Cultural welfare: I would translate it into the well-being of people who enjoy the
cultural activities, leaven of everyone’s life. Beauty and authenticity,
throughout Puglia, in places that are the epitome of authenticity. Tradition and
innovation: it is the intangible heritage, what we transmit is what
immaterially we create.
*Rocco De Franchi*, head of institutional communications of the

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