Italy 24 Press News

psychological support arrives for d

MESAGNE – There are 16 winners of the twelfth edition of the ‘Orizzonti Solidali’ competition, promoted by the Megamark Foundation of Trani in collaboration with the A&O, Dok and Famila supermarkets and aimed at the third sector of Puglia. One initiative was awarded in the Brindisi area. With the ‘Carewcare’ project, the Conchiglia social promotion association of Mesagne will develop a series of activities of both psychophysical and psychological support for families with disabled people, in particular for female caregivers; a transport service for disabled people is also planned to help caregivers in the daily activities of patients who require constant care.

The Foundation will allocate almost 300 thousand euros divided as follows: over 255 thousand euros, against the 250 thousand put out to tender, for 14 social, cultural and health care initiatives and approximately 40 thousand for two projects in the field of school dropout, against the 30 thousand initially planned.

“I renew my warmest thanks to all the third sector associations – says the Cavaliere del Lavoro Giovanni Pomarico, president of the Megamark Foundation – who also this year participated in the ‘Orizzonti Solidali’ call, placing their trust in the Megamark Foundation. Every year the choice becomes more arduous and difficult but we have carefully evaluated each individual proposal trying to reward the most deserving, innovative projects that respond to concrete needs throughout the Apulian territory”.

Of the 14 funded projects – out of 291 candidates from across the Apulian territory – six are in the Bari area, three in BAT, two in Foggia and one, respectively, in the provinces of Taranto, Lecce and Brindisi. Eight initiatives concern the field of social assistance, four that of health care and two will concern culture. After last year’s positive experience, this edition of ‘Solidarity Horizons’ also rewarded a new area, that of school dropouts, with the aim of combating the phenomenon of school dropout among adolescents.

The complete list of winners can be consulted on the website

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