Italy 24 Press News

Work, Ial Emilia-Romagna trains ‘orientators’ in Parma

Can’t find a job or have you lost it? Do you need to update yourself to be more attractive to a company, but you don’t know exactly what to do? Contact a career counselor, a person specialized in designing training courses for young people, the unemployed or those expelled from the labor market, who can activate networks and relationships with the professional training and labor system. Ial Emilia-Romagna, accredited by the Region for job center activities, has just trained 17 operators (including one in the Parma office) who have obtained the regional professional qualification of career counselor; another four employees have participated in a training course at the national Ial. “We have 14 job centers, one in each of our offices,” explains the president of Ial Emilia-Romagna Ciro Donnarumma. “They cover all the provinces of the region and play a fundamental role in career counseling, job placement and intermediation services for people looking for work.” Furthermore, Ial Emilia-Romagna is committed to the implementation of Gol (Worker Employability Guarantee), the program provided by the Pnrr that redesigns employment services in order to improve people’s job placement. “From September 2022 to May 2024, 4,175 users turned to our services – Donnarumma continues – In particular, 2,346 people followed job reintegration projects, while 925 people attended refresher courses and another 396 people requalification courses. Finally, work and inclusion projects were activated for 508 vulnerable people. In fact, Ial Emilia-Romagna – Donnarumma concludes – operates in all the provinces of the region within the activities financed by the regional disabled fund”.

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