Italy 24 Press News

Today in Piedmont is the hottest day of June

PIEDMONT – For a few days now, summer has finally arrived in Piedmont, so much so that temperatures will have increased by 2°C compared to yesterday and locally they will reach 33-34°C: it will be the hottest day of this month of June 2024.

Hot but also thunderstorms

However, things could partially change. As reported by Arpa Piemonte, temperatures will start to drop tomorrow when a low pressure will move from Spain to the west of the Alpine arc directly affecting Piedmont. The first precipitations will develop in the morning on the western Alpine arc and will be associated with Saharan sand fall currently present on the Mediterranean basin.

In the afternoon, the arrival of unstable cold air will weaken the anticyclonic structure; precipitation will extend from the Alps to the piedmont areas and will take on a stormy character.

The more intense rains are expected in Canavese, Valli di Lanzo, upper Vercellese and Verbano due to the rise of humid air masses induced by the Alpine reliefs.

Expected strong thunderstorms with hail also on the western foothills, hills and plains of Turin including the capital and flat sectors of the provinces of Novara and Vercelli. Langhe and Monferrato are also likely to be affected, while less intense phenomena are expected in the Maritime and Ligurian Alps and in the southernmost sectors of the provinces of Asti and Alessandria.

The Arpa Piemonte Functional Center has issued a yellow alert for tomorrow due to hydrogeological risk due to thunderstorms in the plain areas and the north-western sector.

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