Italy 24 Press News

Land of Fires: Two Entrepreneurs Reported

Caserta and Province

Caserta – Two entrepreneurs from Trentola Ducenta, a municipality located in the famous Land of Fires, have been reported by the forestry carabinieri of Marcianise. During an operation conducted together with the carabinieri of the Labor Inspectorate of Caserta and the local station, an illegal landfill of construction waste was discovered in the yard of their own company.

The story

In particular, the military identified an excavation of about six meters in length, four in width and two in depth, filled with waste materials such as damaged marble capitals, broken ceramic toilets, ceramic tiles, milled asphalt, broken plastic pipes and excavated earth. Along the walls of the excavation, additional construction waste was found, a sign of previous spills.

Next to the excavation, an uncontrolled deposit of non-hazardous waste was also found: 40 transparent plastic bags containing paper used for construction work, “Elastoprem” paper and plastic packaging. This waste was not produced by the Trentola company, but mixed together. The absence of Waste Identification Forms prevented the police from tracing the origin of the materials.

On the same day, in Casal di Principe, the State Police seized an illegal car wash and reported a 50-year-old man, believed to be the de facto manager of the business. These interventions are part of the environmental controls intensified in the Land of Fires, an area sadly known for illegal spills and the resulting environmental damage.

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