Italy 24 Press News

Silicon box, Cisl: “Great opportunity for Novara and all of Piedmont”

‘«Today a beautiful page is being written in the industrial history of our region which can thus look to the future with more optimism. Silicon Box’s investment is a great opportunity for Novara and all of Piedmont. For the CISL, every job that is created is a success for the community, but we ask that there be immediate involvement of the union and all the other subjects involved, including the world of training.”

There is the official announcement: Silicon Box in Novara with an investment of 3.2 billion

Luca Monticelli

June 28, 2024

Thus, in a note, the general secretaries of CISL Piemonte and CISL Piemonte Orientale, Luca Caretti and Elena Ugazio, on the announcement of the establishment of a maxi Silicon Box plant for the production of chiplets in Novara. «The workers must be found – continue the two trade unionists – and the professional skills needed and possibly trained must be identified and it must be understood what role the University of Eastern Piedmont and the local technical schools can play. Finally, we need to think about how the city of Novara intends to welcome workers and families and therefore we also need to address the issue of residential housing and access to services'”, they conclude.

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