Italy 24 Press News

“14 million euros to definitively settle the compensation”

PESCARA – Fourteen million euros to definitively settle the compensation and close a problem that has lasted more than 40 years. This is the “political and administrative” result that the president of the regional council, Marco Marsilio and the councilor for productive activities, Tiziana Magnacca, claimed this morning on the age-old question of the payment of compensation following the expropriations for the construction of the Equipped Axle.

“Political result of great value”, claimed President Marsilio, “achieved thanks to the coordinated activity that this Council has carried out both in the government and in parliament. On the other hand we found a government well disposed to implement the requests of Abruzzo, which were then translated into the amendment of Senator Guerino Testa who presented, during the approval of the 2022 Finance Law, an amendment which allocates, in the years 2023 and 2024, 14 million euros to close the ten-year issue of compensation for expropriations. We solved this problem – underlines Marsilio – because we faced it head on, ignoring the negative prophecies of the birds of ill omen and finding on the other side a government and a parliament that had the same objective as us. A beautiful story, in short, the fruit of a political collaboration that can only be good for this region.”

The closure of the ten-year dispute over compensation for the construction of the Equipped Axis, if on the one hand closes all the administrative and judicial disputes relating to lack of compensation, on the other hand is destined to open a new season for the Val Pescara Industrial Consortium.

“The compensation to be paid – explained councilor Tiziana Magnacca – represented 50% of the Consortium’s debt; now with the resources received from the government and the closure of the administrative and judicial dispute, we hope to give a renewed mission to the Consortium which can therefore return to being an integral part of the production system, contributing to the economic development of the region. In fact, we plan to further reduce the institution’s debt load in the coming months with a further injection of 7 million euros”. Therefore, if “the Val Pescara Industrial Consortium returns to being a Consortium, on the other hand – concluded councilor Magnacca – it is important here to underline how with this political initiative of the Region and the Government the value of constitutionally protected.”


equipped axis laquila marsilio

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