Italy 24 Press News

Trieste armored for the G7 is already preparing for Pope and Mattarella

TRIESTE, 28 JUNE – The city center of Trieste has been sealed off since last night for the G7 Education, which began today in the FVG Region building. In the meantime, preparations are already underway for a series of international events in the city in the coming days. Piazza Unità d’Italia and surrounding areas are a red zone for the G7. The citizens, forewarned, are staying away and so the area appears unusually deserted, crossed only by dozens and dozens of men from the police force or in any case security, in civilian clothes; police, Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza vehicles are parked everywhere. Only in the traditional bars in the area, conveniently left outside the red zone, taking advantage of the sunny day are there a few tourists – unaware of what is happening – and Triestini. No cruise ships are moored along the Rive for security reasons; floating are only two patrol boats from the Port Authority, on control duty. But right in Piazza Unità, one of the sides is closed for a construction site (currently stopped) where the gigantic stage that will host Pope Francis, for the visit on July 7, has been under construction for days. Even outside the city center there is a strong (and discreet) security presence. Some are concentrated in Piazza Libertà, not far away, where a counter-demonstration of the summit is planned for the afternoon. A little further on, in Porto Vecchio, work is underway at the Generali Convention Center in view of the Catholic Social Week, from July 3 to 7 in various locations in Trieste; in particular, the Pope is expected at the convention center on the final day, the 7th. Around 900 delegates are expected; and twenty people are involved in the set-up work, which will become 70 in the coming days. The Catholic week will also have another great guest: the Head of State Sergio Mattarella, who will return to Trieste on July 3, where he was on April 12 for the awarding of the honorary degree by the University of Trieste.

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