Italy 24 Press News


The last of the 5 meetings promoted by the Region, will be held on Monday 8th July morning in the Palazzo dei Priori in Piazza del Popolo in Fermo, and is aimed at technicians and professionals from public bodies

It’s scheduled Monday July 8thfrom 9 am to 1.30 pm, at the Palazzo dei Priori in Piazza del Popolo the last workshop of the cycle of 5 dedicated to “The new procurement code: news and critical issues”, relating to the year 2024 in the regional territory.

The initiative, promoted by the SUAM Sector and Aggregating Body of the Marche Region, is part of the project “A Thousand Experts”, funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU, within the national PNRR and is aimed at those dealing with public procurement, the project is funded by the EU Investment 2.2 «Task force digitalisation, monitoring and performance» of the M1C1 Subinvestment 2.2.1 «Technical assistance at central and local level of the PNRR» CUP B71B21007780006

The new Contracts Code referred to in Legislative Decree no. 36/2023 and, in particular, the so-called “digitalization of public contracts” that came into full force on January 1, poses new challenges of both responsibility and interpretation. The meeting is in continuity with the actions undertaken during the previous year of the project and is aimed at updating an information, training and in-depth path.

The morning in Fermo will delve into the following topics: Subcontracting, modifications and variations to the contract in the execution phase – Focus: Termination and withdrawal. The workshop will be closed by a question time during which participants will be able to ask questions to the expert speakers.

A certificate of participation will be issued to those attending in person.

Please confirm your presence by email: [email protected].

Program of dailynata

Pro interventionsGrams

Presentation of the project Dr. Davide Berloni SUAM Sector and Aggregator of the Marche Region;

Contract Execution: Subcontracting and Changes in Progress

· Subcontracting (Attorney Cori)

· Amendments and variations to the contract in the executive phase (Avv. Brusciotti)

· Focus: Resolution and withdrawal (Avv. Brusciotti and Avv. Cori)

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