Italy 24 Press News

In Sicily the Andisu National Council, two days in Palermo

PALERMO (ITALPRESS) – The appointment for the next ANDISU National Council is in Palermo, at Palazzo dei Normanni, seat of the Regional Parliament. The work, in which the 39 bodies for the right to university education in Italy participate, will take place on Tuesday 2 July 2024. But the previous day – Monday 1 July – will already be an opportunity to meet and address the issue of university housing.
Monday 1 July 2024. In the afternoon, at 3.30 pm, the presidents, directors and stakeholders of the Italian DSU bodies will meet in the Mattarella room of the ARS to participate in the Workshop “Right to Education: analysis and implications of the Ministerial Decree 481/2024”. An important moment, made possible thanks to the availability of the Ministry of the University, to take stock of the ministerial measures underway regarding university housing, in particular the 1.2 billion euros allocated by the MUR for the creation of 60 thousand places read in Italy.
The regional councilor for education, Girolamo Turano, will bring greetings from the regional government.
The following will be present: Antonio di Donato, Director of the General Management of the Mission Unit for the implementation of the PNRR interventions of the MUR; Manuela Manenti, Commissioner for university housing; Caterina Rizzi, President of the Technical Commission for the evaluation of funding requests; Alessio Pontillo, Director of the Ministry of University and Research.
The Cassa Depositi e Prestiti participates in the initiative and will be present with the greetings of Esedra Chiacchella, Head of Public Administration at Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, and with the intervention of Tommaso Savi, Head of Regional Financing, Non-Territorial Public Bodies and Management of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Funds. Loans.
Tuesday 2 July 2024. We will return to Palazzo dei Normanni the following morning, Tuesday 2 July, for the work of the National Council, starting at 9:30, in the Sala Pio La Torre, with institutional greetings and in particular from the president of the Sicilian Regional Assembly, Gaetano Galvagno, who is hosting the initiative.
During the National Council, chaired by Alessandro Ciro Sciretti, at 10.40 am there will also be the presentation of the Sicilian ERSU project with FOMED, ​​the Italian Foundation for Digital Medicine: “Right to Study, Right to Health”: primary prevention at the center in favor of university students, through the opportunities provided today by digital medicine which allows both to monitor university students with pathologies and to carry out screening actions for health prevention.
We will then continue with the discussion of the agenda of the National Council reserved for the members of ANDISU.
– Foto: Italpress –

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