Italy 24 Press News

Rotaract Club of Civitavecchia, Simone Luciani’s presidential year begins

Simone Luciani

The annual handover ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Civitavecchia took place yesterday, Thursday 27 June, at Villa Palomba, in conjunction with that of the sponsor club Rotary, which welcomed Luca Grossi as the new president. The event, which saw the participation of numerous city authorities, including the new Mayor Marco Piendibene and the President of the Cariciv Foundation Gabriella Saracco, marked the end of the presidential year of Edoardo De Venuti and the beginning of that of Simone Luciani, an actor and director from Civitavecchia. Among his resolutions for the new year, the new President underlined the importance that will be given to the promotion of the city’s cultural excellence and, in the spirit of service that has always distinguished the Club, the strong support that Rotaract will try to give to all those organizations that deal with assistance and charity.

Special attention will be given to the new generations, with the refoundation of the Interact club, the under-18 version of the Rotaract Club International, in the hope of aggregating and valorizing local excellence and motivating them to channel new energies towards service and volunteering. Thursday’s event anticipated an important weekend for the city club, which after at least two decades will host the handover of district 2080: more than three hundred members of the Lazio and Sardinia clubs will converge in the city. The new President and one of the organization’s leaders, Prefect Claudio Fava, said they were grateful for the opportunity to host such an important event for the district’s associative life, thus giving the Club the chance to introduce guests to the wonders of Civitavecchia and the surrounding area.

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