Italy 24 Press News

“Kyma mobility increases rates”

“Clarifications to the municipal administration and the management of Kyma mobility for the unjustified increase in tariffs”: the request comes from the territorial group of Five Stars movement.

“We learn from the kyma Mobility web page that the new one will be active starting from June 27th electronic ticketing and the €1 single journey ticket will be eliminated and replaced with a ticket valid for 90 minutes at a cost of €1.30, up to €2 for those who purchase the ticket on board the bus. By doing so, not only are citizens not encouraged to use public transport, but rather they go to… penalize that poorest segment of the population who uses the bus every day” reads a note from the Five Star Movement.

“We welcome the use of new electronic technologies that can facilitate the purchase of tickets via apps and credit cards, but this does not justify the increase in fare prices in the face of a somewhat questionable service, also according to the many reports from citizens who complain about the long waits at the stops due to the many trips canceled especially on weekends, but also the location of the stops themselves, which often in the city and in particular in the suburbs are not equipped with shelters to shelter from the summer sun and winter rains, much less lifebuoy islands useful for guaranteeing the safety of citizens, who find themselves waiting at the edge of the road surface and facilitating the getting on and off of elderly people or people in wheelchairs” continues the territorial group of the Five Star Movement.

“We therefore ask the management of Kyma mobility and the municipal administration to retrace your steps reintroducing the single ticket at a cost of €1″.

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