Italy 24 Press News

A witness: ‘The child in the well was asking for help, he spoke to his parents’ – News

“After falling into the well, the child spoke to his mother and father, they called him and he asked for help.” This is the reconstruction of the moments after the beginning of the tragedy that occurred in Palazzolo Acreide, made by a witness: Salvatore La Rosa, who lives in a house next to the farm where the boys were on a trip.

Speaking to Tgr Sicilia, the man talks about the efforts of the educators to try to save the 10-year-old: “The lady went down there with her bare hands, waiting for help” which arrived after “two hours, it could have been avoided.”

To know more ANSA Agency Tragedy at summer camp, child falls into well and dies – News – Operator tries in vain to help him, saved by firefighters. Autopsy tomorrow (ANSA)

“The school community is shocked by a very serious loss: the premature death of the child who attended the primary school of our institute. A deep and unjustifiable pain that affects us all. We gather in respectful silence and with a feeling of closeness to the family, to his classmates and to all those who have established bonds of friendship and affection with him”. This can be read on the Facebook page of the comprehensive institute “V. Messina” of Palazzolo Acreide (Siracusa) attended by the child.

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