Italy 24 Press News

“Sit down, don’t be an asshole.” Another near-fight in the municipal council in Terni

TERNI – «I invite you to leave the room». The president of the city council, Sara Francescangeli, had never said this to the opposition councilor Josè Maria Kenny. “Another time?” – says Kenny. The mayor smiles. But then all hell breaks loose: threats, insults and swear words fly. And a fight comes close.

If for President Francescangelo Kenny’s ways are violent to the point of asking the local police to accompany the university professor out of the classroom, for Pierluigi Spinelli (Pd) even the mayor should have been reprimanded for having “barked”. The day before, still in the classroom, Bandecchi had made the sound of a dog. Spinelli remembers him leaving his seat to head towards the council desks. But Bandecchi doesn’t appreciate it: «Shut up and sit down, don’t come here. I want a complaint against this gentleman who allowed himself to get this far. I am being sent to trial because I came this far – the mayor refers to the near-fight last summer and indicates the exact point where it happened – this gentleman who comes this far must be reported.” Five minutes of fire, seasoned with the inevitable “jokes” from Mayor Bandecchi: «Don’t be an asshole, go fuck yourself, I’m pissed off».


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