Italy 24 Press News

Lecce, threats also to regional councilor Delli Noci

LECCE – Threats also against the Apulian regional councilor for Economic Development, Alessandro Delli Noci. After the case of the Democratic Party deputy, Claudio Stefanazzi, there is a second episode. The two cases are connected, Delli Noci himself explains: «This morning I went to the Lecce Police Headquarters. The investigators wanted to inform me directly that the episode of intimidation that reached the Honorable Claudio Stefanazzi also involves me».

On Tuesday, Stefanazzi received a letter containing a bullet and a threatening letter at his home. “The anonymous package – explains Delli Noci – contains a bullet and an intimidating letter that also explicitly refers to the undersigned and to the administrative elections of the city of Lecce. I have filed my complaint both for what happened on this occasion and for the previous intimidating messages, and I will continue to report every defamatory or intimidating message and comment on social media. What has happened in the last two months is unacceptable and has never happened in previous electoral campaigns, which have always favored healthy political debate and never personal attacks. A worrying drift, an electoral competition transformed into a battle without rules, giving space to unprecedented frustrations and malice, which must be defused for the good of our community.”

Delli Noci assures us that “I am not afraid” because “I have the strength of our ideas and great trust in the authorities, who I am sure will do everything possible to trace the author of the vile gesture and who I thank for the support and attention given to me in these complicated hours.”

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