Italy 24 Press News

Terni: Fussi Sport break-in at dawn. Loot of over 2 thousand euros

Jun 28, 2024 1:46 PM

A ‘busy’ night in terms of safety in Terni, between Thursday and Friday, given that, after the attempted theft against the Vitaloni oven in via Chiesa/via Bertolotti which occurred around 3 amanother was carried out a couple of hours later, at around 5am, to the detriment of the Fussi sports shop in via Corona, in the historic centre of the city and which is located no more than three hundred metres as the crow flies from the bakery that was hit.

In this case unknown persons broke one of the windows overlooking Via Corona, stealing fifteen pairs of sports shoes and three backpacks, for a loot estimated at around 2 thousand euros. The same criminals also broke a glass window at the back but, perhaps disturbed, did not continue with their ‘work’.

The owners discovered the incident shortly after, at dawn, informed by the Terni police headquarters to which the fact had been reported. The Scientific Police also went to the site to proceed with the surveys that are part of the investigation, probably also based on the images of cameras present in the area. Obviously the counting of the damages began which, together with the loot, are certainly considerable. Another commercial activity, thus, directly affected and forced to manage an unpleasant and damaging situation between loss of time, money and certainly disheartening.


Terni, nocturnal assault on the bakery. The owner: «Institutions, come here and listen to us»

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