Italy 24 Press News

Third sector and finance dialogue in Modena for Cantieri ViceVersa

Social impact, sustainability reporting and access to credit will be among the topics of the new edition of the Cantieri ViceVersa Summer Schoolpromoted by Third Sector Forum e Forum for Sustainable Financewhich will take place from 2 to 4 July Modenaat Bper Forum (via Aristotele, 33). The project, now in its sixth edition, is increasingly consolidating itself as a place of dialogue and mutual knowledge between the Third Sector and Italian financial operators, with the aim also of becoming a laboratory for financial proposals and solutions to support the ETSThe three-day event will feature various in-depth discussions, with the participation of representatives of Italian and European financial institutions, the banking and insurance world and the Third Sector, reflect on the opportunities to be seized and the challenges to be faced, also in light of the European legislation on sustainability reporting and indicators for measuring impact.

On Tuesday July, starting at 4.45pm, the editor-in-chief of VITA, Giampaolo Cerriwill moderate the round table entitled “Sustainable finance and social impact: indicators and measurement tools”, in which participants will take part Lucia Albano (Mef), Isabella Cristina (Work), Silvia Manca (Fei), Filippo Montesi (Sia) and a representative of the Cdp. The second day will be developed, as usual, with working tables for the comparison between representatives of the Italian Third Sector and the main financial operators on the issues of credit/guarantee, insurance and equity, with a parallel session dedicated to philanthropy and funding that will involve the Ets of the Modena area.

«We know, and many studies have highlighted it, that for the Third Sector, access to financial instruments is still very difficult or poorly considered», comments Vanessa Pallucchi, spokesperson for the Third Sector Forum. «Making progress in this area, however, is necessary to make the Third Sector an increasingly protagonist of the social economy and to affirm the validity of this model, for the well-being of all communities. With Cantieri ViceVersa we continue to mark, step by step, a path of growth and acquisition of awareness in the Italian third sector which is also preparatory to greater recognition, also and above all externally, of the social value it is capable of producing” .

“The comparison between sustainable finance and the Third Sector is fundamental to building a more sustainable future”, he declares Francis Bicciato, director general of the Forum for Sustainable Finance. «In recent years the Cantieri ViceVersa project has grown and led to greater mutual knowledge between Ets and financial operators attentive to the social and environmental impact of investments, financing and insurance. On the eve of the 2024 Summer School I would like to address a fond memory to Claudia Fiaschiwho passed away prematurely a few months ago, creator and soul of this project.”

The works of July 2nd and July 4th will be broadcasted live on the Youtube channel of the Third Sector Forum. The Summer School of Cantieri ViceVersa is held with the main partnership of Assimoco, Bper Banca, Modena Foundation and Poste Italianethe partnership of CsvNet, Banco Bpm, Unicredit, Acri and Fondazione Con il Sudthe media partnership of Courier Good News and LIFE.

Below is the complete program of the event.

Credit: photo at Mathieu Stern su Unsplash

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