Italy 24 Press News

Terni, another fight in the city council came close

In Terni another brawl in the city council came close. There was tension right from the start of the session, Friday morning at Palazzo Spada, and at the end the tension skyrocketed, as demonstrated once again by a TeleGalileo video.

Terni, another fight in the council came close After the presentation of the first item on the agenda by the competent councilor, the intervention of the city councilor Kenny (Innovate for Terni) followed by that of Batini then again Kenny who asks to intervene for a personal matter. Tempers heat up and President Francescangeli invites the opposition councilor to leave the room, requesting the intervention of the local police, then suspends the session, the YouTube streaming cameras are turned off, but the chaos continues. The video is from TeleGalileo

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